square space integration Setup

Order Import

We look for orders with fulfillmentStatus = "PENDING"

Generating an API Key

SquareSpace lets you select which APIs an API Key grants access to when creating that API Key. There are currently three SquareSpace APIs, of which Mintsoft uses two; Orders, and Inventory.

Once an API Key has been created and if you wish to add access to the Inventory API at a later date, for example to enable StockSync, then a new API Key must be generated.

This can be done by following the steps below. Please note, the new API Key will need to be entered into Mintsoft so that Mintsoft can use the new Key. Generating a new Key in SquareSpace will not automatically update it in Mintsoft.

To create an API Key within SquareSpace, please follow these steps:

  1. Open "Settings"

  2. Choose "Advanced"

  3. Choose "SquareSpace API Keys"

  4. Click "Create Key"

  5. Enter a name for the key. We recommend using the name of the app or system you are integrating with.

  6. Select Orders & Inventory APIs (Inventory only required for Stock Sync)

  7. A dialog will appear with a long string of characters. Make sure you copy and save the key. Once you close the dialog box, you will not be able to view the key again for security reasons. However, you can always delete it and generate another key.

Make sure you select Read & Write for Inventory and orders:

Advanced Plan!

Please note you will need to be on the advanced square space plan in order to have API access.