Adding products to mintsoft
Navigate to Products > Add New Product
Complete the required details on each tab.
Press Next (this will add the product if no more information is required).
Guide to Populating Fields
This section provides information regarding each field to be completed in the various tabs of the product setup form.
General Tab
Only SKU and Name fields are mandatory on this page, but you can enter more data if required. The SKU code must be unique as this is used to identify one product from another.
Client- Select the client the product is for (only applicable to 3PL warehouses).
SKU- Enter product SKU. Must be unique.
EAN Barcode- Barcode in EAN format
UPC Barcode- Barcode in UPC format
Name - Product Name
Description - Optional longer description of the product
CustomsDescription - Where required by couriers for customs information, this field allows you to enter a short description for customs information. If left blank and is required by the courier, the description or name will be sent instead.
Country Of Manufacture- Used by couriers for customs information.
Discontinued- Yes/No. Used to discontinue a product (Deleting A Product / Discontinuing A Product)
mageURL- Enter a URL to see an image of the item displayed. The URL has to be available online.
Pricing and size:
Product Weights
Although no fields are mandatory, we recommend entering the Product Weight to assist with Courier Rules and courier label creation.
Extra Details
Infinite Stock
Be careful when using InfiniteStock as this will override any inventory records & if used in conjunction with sales channels, could cause you to over-sell.